Get to know days

valid from 1st November - 30th November
Do you still need a short break before the holidays? Spend three days with us to get to know us.
For every year you will find the right offer with us. Our special treat for you: As the early bird also receive a 3% discount on your booking.
Monthly dealsFind special offers on the subject of wellness. The arrangements include a wellness treatment for your body and mind.
Wellness dealsvalid from 1st November - 30th November
Do you still need a short break before the holidays? Spend three days with us to get to know us.
valid from 1st June - 30th September
Take a break and experience the summer at Tegernsee. Our proximity to the yacht club makes it ideal for water sports enthusiasts.
valid from 1st October - 31th October
Experience the golden autumn in the Tegernsee valley.
valid from 27th December - 6th January
Spend the contemplative holidays in charming Bad Wiessee. With champagne reception and a small presents for our guests or celebrate the New Year and the start of the new year with us at the Tegernsee. Experience the impressive fireworks at the lake.